Sunday, January 31, 2010

Destroying Democracy Now


Federal law against abortion isn't going to stop abortions, laws allowing abortions will be passed state by state. Before Roe V Wade lots of women went to NYC, and will so again if necessary. So effectively, a reversal of Roe v Wade will only hurt poor women - the ones that can't afford to travel to states that will have rights to abortion laws. They instead will go to back-alley abortionists who will harm them. The fact that abortion laws can be passed state by state is not undercover news, everyone knows this, why do people continue to vote Republican for this one single issue when the rest of the Republican agenda is doing so much harm to rights and liberties of average Americans?

The last eight years of Republican government has resulted in terrible damage to the average American. Big business, banks, oil companies and insurance companies have THRIVED! The average American has fallen into debt to huge banks with absurd fees, oil prices that are robbing people of money they need for food, insurance companies that have increased premiums and reduced benefits so that people are dying. This is the Republican agenda. The Republican agenda is designed to benefit the rich white men, and to wipe-out the rights and liberties of the rest of us and reduce us to poverty and death.

Just consider these few examples of how severely the our country's integrity, morality and freedom has suffered with a Republican government-

- - Guantanamo Bay - people who have never been given a chance to speak for their rights. Who are these people? And what right do Dick Cheney and George Bush have to lock them up? They are human beings.

- - Cheney's Chief of Staff IS IN PRISON NOW for a five count indictment including perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to federal investigators. Everyone knows he is taking the rap for Cheney. What kind of American would 'out' an undercover CIA Agent? How about the Vice-President - - - elected in large part to ban abortions on a federal level when they can be legalized state by state?

- - Cheney and Bush tried to go around the laws in place to protect the right to privacy of every American and wiretap any American citizens' phone. Invading the private lives of free Americans as they saw fit. Who would they choose? This is McCarthyism to the hilt.

- - and the worst, now on the Supreme Court, two Justices appointed by these law-breaking politicians, now have just taken the power of the votes of the people away and gave them to huge corporations.

Who has more money to influence uninformed voters, (as so many people are) Exxon Oil or the UAW? Who will get the government contracts - - Halliburton or General Motors? Currently the system is in place to destroy our democracy. People no longer vote. Big money will control the government of our country. And big money is in the hands of rich white men like Dick Cheney, George Bush, John Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Tony Kennedy. Who do you think owns Exxon Oil? Do you think they will protect any interest of yours? They have proven that they have nothing but their own self-interests and they will use the government to gain more power and more money for themselves.

These people are the real terrorists in the world today. They seek to take away ALL the rights, privileges and liberties of Americans. Row v Wade is just the beginning.

I think it is so unfortunate that much of this situation is due to the 'Abortion' issue, and Catholics who think a vote against a 'Pro-choice' candidate is 'saving babies'. It just isn't true.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Supreme Court; of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy

I begin this blog on the day after I heard the Supreme Court decision to allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to support a Federal Political Candidate.

Immediately, when I heard this information, I knew that our democracy was in big trouble.

The only thought I had at the time to oppose the actions of this most powerful court in our land was to mobilize the people against this outrage.

It is clear to me that the greatest threats to the freedom of the American people now sit on the United States Supreme court. They are John Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy and John Paul Stevens.

I begin this blog to mobilize. People must protest. This is our country, we cannot allow 4- 5 Supreme Court Justices to destroy it.

Having been the victim of predatory banking and health insurance companies, I know first hand the debauchery average citizens can suffer when corporations have more rights than people.

And it is clear, that with campaign finance laws that allow huge corportions to use their billions of dollars to influence the elections of our country's representatives the people will have no say in the government at all.

This will become a nation of rape and pillage, literally. The poor will become poorer, and the rich will become richer.

What is most important to understand is that this is a society that is run by money, not big money, but simply money. Without money, people starve. Without money, people die of curable diseases.

So, it is not a matter of richer and poorer, but more importantly, it is a matter of weaker and stronger. Of life and death.

The strong and the rich will get stronger and richer, and a class society of the very rich and the very poor will be in place.

And with this legislation, this will happen very soon. Before any of the 'masses' that vote Republican will even know what has happened to them. The ignorance of the voters in this country is revolting. I asked one voter, that was 'thrilled' by the election of the Republican 'Brown' in Massachusetts 'why?' - her answer? 'Chappaquiddick!' When so much is needed to keep this democracy healthy this level of simpleminded, ludicrous behavior is abhorrent.

Consider one of the more disturbing aspects of this corporate influence driven decision - the intellectual dishonesty openly displayed by CJ Roberts and Alito. Weren't they the nominees who assured the Senate Judiciary Committee that they would follow precedent, even if they disagreed, so as to assure confidence in the continuity and certainty of Supreme Court decisions? Now, through the legal fiction of designating a corporation a "person" for First Amendment purposes, corporate billions ring louder than their hollow words.

To be continued . . .

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Day After

I started this blog today, - I had to do something.